The Road to Healing - In Schools
We currently have three schools registered as part of our pilot programme for 2023.
My Vision is to visit as many high schools as possible, throughout New Zealand to share my story, and to raise awareness.
One in Six boys in New Zealand will suffer sexual abuse by the time they turn 18.
Ultimately for young boys who may have been abused to understand how to reach out for help.
Sam is now speaking to corporate groups and schools, here is what they've had to say.
Justin - Naylor Love
Just wanted to flick you a quick email to say thanks again for your time on Friday, with such a taboo subject I think the awareness you are raising is awesome and it shows, from a pretty closed off group when you started to good engagement by the end.
I have had a lot of good feedback with a lot of our staff going home and ‘having that conversation’ with there kids, a real eye opener for a lot, below is just a couple messages I received after your korero.
Justin McNab - Naylor Love
Staff - Naylor Love
Great session Justin
Wellness a state of a healthy mind, it’s so unfortunate that there are 100,000s of unwell minds to mend, the job is endless
Please thank Sam Troth for me, I previewed a couple of his videos
Have a great weekend
Staff - Naylor Love
Hey!! I was doing so good until the end, please apologise to Sam for me for walking away from him and please thank him for all he is doing. He’s fkn amazing!!